FINI 2023 International Image Contest

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FINI 2023 International Image Contest

FINI 2023 International Image Contest now is over!

FINI 2023 International Image Contest: FINI 2023 International Image Contest, as a part of the International Image Festival (FINI) has been recently opened for entries to recognize, promote, encourage, and share the work of national and international art students and professionals in different genres, expressions and applications of image.

Short description

FINI 2023 International Image Contest recently opened for entries is part of the International Image Festival (FINI), organized by the Coordination of Cultural Affairs of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.

With the aim of recognising, promoting, encouraging, and sharing the work of national and international art students and professionals, the FINI International Image Contest is open worldwide and this year its main topic is 'Indigenous villages and as Invited Country India'.

The International Image Festival (FINI) is organized by the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, coordinated by the Division of Cultural Affairs, and it is a multidisciplinary venue created to promote and appreciate the artistic creation and visual communication within a space of reflection and debate around aesthetics, the meaning and value of images in their different genres, expressions, and applications.

The contest is divided into the two categories (professionals and students), and each of them into the following genres:

Photography (analog and digital)
Alternative techniques (digital graphics, photomontage or collage)
Documentary (full-length film or short film)
Poster (free technique)

The works the participants submit must have been made within four years previous to the closing of this Call.

The XII Edition of FINI will take place on April 20 to 28, 2023.

Who may enter?

FINI 2023 International Image Contest is open worldwide to students and professionals of photography, design, visual arts and documentary films. Entrants must be aged 18 years or over.


The total value of the prizes is 586,000 Mexican Pesos (approx. 30,590 USD).

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