Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest

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Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest

Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest now is over!

Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest: Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest has been recently opened for entries and like every year invites artists from all over the world to submit their original artwork on the theme that take us into the world of ideas and creativity, focusing on inspiration, fantasy and/or technology.

Short description

The production company Damián Perea Producciones SL, recently has announced its Animayo 2024 International Poster Contest, a competition that welcomes creativity and artistic promotion, with the aim of selecting the poster that will be the official image of the Festival Animayo 2024.

Each participant or group shall submit a maximum of 5 designs. The theme of the poster must take into the world of ideas and creativity, focusing on inspiration, fantasy and/or technology.

Any technique is allowed. Drawings, photography, 3D creations or any other creation shall be accepted as long as they are original. The works should be unpublished and the poster must be submitted in digital format and sized no larger than 2Mb.

Winner will be announced on March 15, 2024.

Submission requirements:

The design will be produced in two formats:

1) vertical, in 50 x 70 centimeters (width x height).
2) horizontal, in 100 x 50 centimeters (width x height).
Designs that are not adapted to both formats will not be admited to the contest.
The poster design must include as an integral part of the poster the following slogan:
- "Animayo 2024" (in larger size).
- "19th Summit, Conferences and InternaPonal Film FesPval of AnimaPon, Visual Effects and Video Games" (smaller size).

Who may enter?

This competition is open worldwide to anyone aged 16 or over.


The winner will get 500€ in cash. The winning poster will be used to promote Animayo 2024.

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