Anthology Cover Art Award 2021

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Anthology Cover Art Award 2021

Anthology Cover Art Award 2021 now is over!

Anthology Cover Art Award 2021: Organised by Anthology Magazine, submissions are now invited for the Anthology Cover Art Award 2021 and is open to multiple genres including painting, printmaking, mixed media, photography and digital media.

Short description

Submissions are now invited for the Anthology Cover Art Award 2021!

Established to foster and support both established and emerging visual artists and provide a platform for publication, the competition is open to multiple genres including painting, printmaking, mixed media, photography and digital media.

Works entered must not have appeared on the cover of another publication and not entered simultaneously in any other contest or competition. Works previously exhibited or published on the artist’s website on the interior pages of a book or magazine are accepted.

Work will be accepted on any theme. All artwork entered must be the original work of those submitting it. Only one image per entry is allowed. There is no limit to the number of entries per person.

There are no size restrictions but entrants should note that artwork may be cropped so that is fits the cover space (190 x 195mm).

Artwork will be accepted in JPG, PNG or PDF form. Maximum file size is 4MB. Winners will be contacted for high resolution images.

Evaluation Criteria:

Creativity and originality.
Quality of artistic composition and overall design.
Overall impression and suitability to publish on the cover of Anthology Magazine.

Who may enter?

Entries are invited from artists of all nationalities, living anywhere in the world. There is no limit to entries per person.


The winner will receive a €500 cash prize and publication on the cover of – and editorial coverage in – a future Issue of Anthology.

Entry fees:

Entry fee is €12 per poem if entered by midnight on 31 March 2021 or €18 per poem if entered by midnight on 30 June 2021.

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