AURAL ARCHITECTURE International Design Competition

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AURAL ARCHITECTURE International Design Competition

AURAL ARCHITECTURE International Design Competition now is over!

AURAL ARCHITECTURE International Design Competition: AURAL ARCHITECTURE is a international competition recently organized by Archiol inviting designers and design student using their auditory sense to develop abstract architectural space which exhibits an emotion of itself.

Short description

AURAL ARCHITECTURE is a international competition recently organized by Archiol inviting designers and design student to design an abstract architectural space influenced by sound.

SOUND TO SPACE - Using the sense of sound to design architectural space, depicting emotions and humanizing the habitable volume encompassed by walls. Use your auditory sense to develop abstract architectural space which exhibits an emotion of itself.

The process of designing is as follows:

➜ Listen to the music pieces.
➜ Select any one of the four music pieces.
➜ Analyze the music and understand the emotion.
➜ Word those emotions to further translate it into architectural space.
➜ It could be any type of structure or installation
➜ Be able to encompass a volume that depicts your understanding of the emotion in the music.

Submission requirements:

➜ Presentation Board (Min. 02 Max. 05 no, sizeed A1 Landscape format
Text Summary (Min. 300 words)

Evaluation Criteria:

Music Interpretation
Design development
Space quality

Results will be announced on 5th September 2022.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to all designers and design students. Organizer welcomes architecture university students to participate as representatives for their university and spread the word. You can register individually or as a team maximum of 03 members.


Certificate of achievement will be awarded to the winners / honourable mentions and a participation certificate to all participants. Exclusive Interview in both text & video format feature on the home page of the organizer.

Entry fees:

Entry fee during the Advanced registration period (8th March 2022 – 23rd March 2022) is $27 (INT) / ₹600(IND). After that period ends the amount of fee will increase.

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