Calzavara Multifunctional Urban Structure

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Calzavara Multifunctional Urban Structure

Calzavara Multifunctional Urban Structure now is over!

Calzavara Multifunctional Urban Structure: Calzavara and Desall invite you to participate in a new contest dedicated to the design of a telecommunications structure, which combines its primary function with elements of urban furniture and ambient intelligence services.

Short description

Calzavara, an Italian company, invites you to participate in a new contest dedicated to the design of a telecommunications structure, which combines its primary function with elements of urban furniture and ambient intelligence services.

Calzavara is looking for fresh concepts and designs for multifunctional urban furniture structures. These structures will house mobile phone antennas and other radio devices while also functioning as attractive and/or functional aspects.

The “macro” mobile cell phone antennas will always be at the top, while the radio devices will typically be put in an accessible area near the base (lower section).
Given the structure’s urban destination, the remaining parts can be designed to host ambient intelligence services such as cameras, advertising or informational LED screens, advertising decorative elements (e.g., banners), lighting, electric charging for cars or scooters, and urban furniture elements such as benches, bicycle racks, and so on.

The new structure must be innovatively designed, with a modern aesthetic fit for urban installation and global dissemination. The construction must be essential, taking into account the cost of the resources that will be used to build it.
The structure may incorporate the aesthetics of urban furniture (such as a streetlight pole) or a single ornamental piece (such as an “urban sculpture” placed along an avenue, in a garden, or in the centre of a roundabout).

When selecting functionalities, evaluate the rising needs of the urban population and what unique services and functions these buildings could supply. When selecting functional pieces or devices to use, make sure that they are all readily available on the market.

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

Degree of innovation
Aesthetic quality
Technical feasibility
Economic sustainability

Submission requirements:

➜ Provide detailed descriptions and up to 5 images to effectively present your projects.
Images should be in 4:3 format, with .jpg, .gif or .png file formats acceptable. The colour mode should be RGB and the maximum size of a single file should be 1 MB.

To better evaluate your proposals, you are invited to upload:

At least one render of the project in a 3/4 perspective on a white background.
➜ A render with urban contextualization (emphasising lighting effects, if applicable).
➜ At least one image including measurements, to provide an idea of the maximum dimensions, internal volumes, and structural features.

You’re also invited to use the designated field on the Upload page to attach a .zip file containing 3D files and high-resolution versions of the project images. The maximum file size for the .zip archive is 100MB.

All texts (abstract, description, tags, etc.) must be written in English.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to creative talents of any nationality aged 18 or older.


The winner will receive €5000 in cash prize.

Throughout the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an additional opportunity to all participants by setting the compensation of €2000 for the purchase of the licence for the economic exploitation of projects not recognized as winning proposals.

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