Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) 2023

Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) 2023 now is over!
Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) 2023: The Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) is now accepting submissions for its 2023 festival, inviting filmmakers from all around the world.
➜ Short description
The Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) is now accepting submissions for its 2023 festival.
Films submitted should be in one of the following categories:
➜ Action/Adventure
➜ Animation
➜ Comics-oriented
➜ Documentary (limited to genre and pop culture topics)
➜ Horror/Suspense
➜ Humor
➜ Science Fiction/Fantasy
The jury will consist of members working in industries related to filmmaking and the popular arts.
The Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) 2023 will be held 20-23 July, 2023 during Comic-Con International at the San Diego Convention Center.
➜ Submission requirements:
All films must be appropriate for an all-ages audience. No nudity, excessive violence or swearing. Also, submitted films must be no longer than 95 minutes in length.
Each filmmaker may participate with only one submission. Films previously submitted to the CCI-IFF, whether accepted or denied, cannot be entered again.
Submitted films must have a completion date no earlier than 2021.
To be accepted, submitted films must be completely edited and in their final completed form. Rough cuts or unfinished material will not be considered. Please do not submit trailers, test footage or scenes from upcoming films. Web series will not be accepted too.
Please include a brief synopsis of your film on a separate sheet of paper not to exceed 50 words, along with a brief bio sheet on filmmakers (director or writer) and one production still for use in any potential publicity.
You need to send the 4 x DVD copies of your film must be sent or you must submit a link to
If your film is selected, you may be able to provide a Blu-ray (of the same run time of the originally submitted film) for the screening.
➜ Who may enter?
The Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) 2023 is open to all filmmakers around the world.
➜ Prize:
Awards and prizes will be given out at Comic-Con, with film screenings all four days of the event, scheduled for mid-July 2023.
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