Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023

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Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023

Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023 now is over!

Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023: The Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023 has been recently opened for entries with the aim of celebrating creativity to make social posters that invite society to build prosperity and respect for others using design, art and other cultural manifestations, invites designers, graphic and visual artists worldwide to participate.

Short description

The Escucha Mi Voz Poster Contest 2023 dedicate to all designers, graphic artists, visual and plastic artists or unrestricted age and gender now is calling for entries.

The aim of this competition is to celebrate creativity to make social posters that invite society to build prosperity and respect for others using design, art and other cultural manifestations.

This year the theme is 'Future neighborhoods'.

This is the space to show the world through your poster how the art and culture of your country raises its voice for respect and peace for all cultures. You can use art created by AI tools to produce part of your proposal, AI it's here, and we can't ignore it, can we? Just remember: this is a POSTER contest, not an ILLUSTRATION contest. However, we value human design much more. Trust your creativity.

Each participant will be able to submit up to 10 posters. Posters must be original but not necessarily unpublished.

The best 50 posters will be selected by an international jury and will be part of traveling exhibitions inside the country and probably in other countries in the world. You can have a poster exhibition in your country if you want! The exhibitions will start in October - November 2023.

Submission requirements:

➜ Submitted posters need to be 2953 x 4134 pixels at 150 dpi in RGB (50 x 70 cm at 150 dpi in RGB), vertical format, saved as JPG, not longer than 10MB per poster.

Animated poster need to be designed in RGB in a vertical format of 1128 x 2005 pixels.

Who may enter?

All designers, graphic artists, visual and plastic artists, or unrestricted age and gender may participate.


The best 50 posters will be selected by an international jury and will be part of traveling exhibitions in Mexico and other countries in the world. You can have a poster exhibition in your country if you want! you want! Moreover, digital certificate of participation and, where appropriate, selected designer will be sent.

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