London Design Awards 2023

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London Design Awards 2023

London Design Awards 2023 now is over!

London Design Awards 2023: The 2023 London Design Awards, an international competition that recognises exceptional designs and outstanding creative projects worldwide has been recently opened for entries inviting product designers, architects, interior designers, graphic designers, UX / UI designers and any designers of all background to participate.

Short description

London Design Awards recognises designs that are truly exceptional in the visualisation of creative influence.

Through the acknowledgment of existing trends that integrate with diverse insights, the London Design Awards reformulates the perspectives of the world towards this unique language.

The competition is open to all designs created up to 5 years from 2019, by companies, team / departments, innovators, manufacturers, suppliers, freelancers, hobbyists or students.

The jury panel consists of honourary professionals, experienced designers, and respected experts who are handpicked from a diverse range of industries across the world.

Submission requirements:

Images should be saved in a flattened JPEG or JPG format. (keep them under 4MB, 1,200px wide is preferable, 300dpi, RGB).

Entries with audio / video must be submitted with a direct URL that will take judges directly to the work. If it is password-protected, you must provide a username and password for judging purposes. Web Videos entered are judged solely on the content provided. Upload a PDF brief if explanation is required before evaluation of the work.

Evaluation Criteria:

Creativity / Concept / Idea
Content / Brief / Objective / Planning / Execution
Visual / Design
Innovation / Functionality / Effectiveness
Impact / Memorability

All winners will be announced on 14 July 2023.

Who may enter?

The London Design Awards accepts entries from architects, interior designers, product designers, graphic designers, UX / UI designers and any designers of all background.


The Design of the Year winners receive a complimentary limited-edition trophy and professionally designed certificate.

Entry fees:

Regular Entry is $189 for first entry of work. There are no limits to the number of entries allowed.

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