Non Architecture Competition: MANHATTAN WILDSCRAPER
Non Architecture Competition: MANHATTAN WILDSCRAPER now is over!
Non Architecture Competition: MANHATTAN WILDSCRAPER: Non Architecture (NonA) recently has announced its international architecture design competition titled “MANHATTAN WILDSCRAPER”, asking partipants to propose conceptual ideas to bring biodiversity back to New York City, more specifically to Midtown Manhattan, through a futuristic green skyscraper.
Short description
The “MANHATTAN WILDSCRAPER”, organised by Non-Architecture is a design competition that encourage participants to come up with visionary concepts for a green skyscraper - only 3 drawings, absolute freedom of scale and program dimensions.
Participants are asked to propose conceptual ideas to bring biodiversity back to New York City, more specifically to Midtown Manhattan, through a futuristic green skyscraper.
As the world becomes more urbanized, this competitions’ purpose is to emphasise the importance of providing a synergy between architecture and biodiversity. By imagining a world where nature and people coexist as much as possible, it’s up to the participant to come to a very high degree of interaction between these two entities in many possible ways.
The quetion is how can we bring biodiversity into architecture through the use of new technologies, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations?
Manhattan Wildscraper aims to answer those questions with a particular focus on biodiversity, with a particular focus on the relationship between humans and nature.
Evaluation Criteria:
➜ Innovation - In terms of program management, technology and originality of the formal solution proposed.
➜ Communication - Clarity, appeal and experimentation in the presentation of the proposal.
➜ Relevance - The degree to which the proposal is related or useful to the proposed theme.
The winner will be announced between 06 -10 September, 2021.
Who may enter?
Non Architecture Competitions are open to all human beings, from every age and cultural background, working in groups or individually. Teams can be formed by a maximum number of 4 people.
There will be two winners that will receive 1.000 euros, 6 honourable mentions and 6 editiorial pick.
The winners, the honourable mentions and editiorial picks will be published in the Non Architecture Competitions book and website and reviewed in digital magazines and several architecture blogs.
There will be assigned (up to 36 prizes) as well and the finalist will be published in the Non Architecture Journal.
The organization will establish additional special prizes and awards during the competition development and in the evaluation phase.
Entry fees:
Entry fee starts from 40 € during the Special registration period (01 - 14 May), after that period ends the amount of the entry fee will increase.
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