Poster Stellars Intercontinental Poster Competition

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Poster Stellars Intercontinental Poster Competition

Poster Stellars Intercontinental Poster Competition now is over!

Poster Stellars Intercontinental Poster Competition: Poster Stellars Intercontinental Poster Competition is the very 1st edition recently launched to empower new and existing designers to shine locally and globally, and to create an equal opportunity for all artists across all continents.

Short description

The 1st edition of Poster Stellars Intercontinental Poster Competition, organised by Poster Stellars LLC - New Jersey - USA now is opened for entries!

The mission of this competition is to empower new and existing designers to shine locally and globally, and to create an equal opportunity for all artists across all continents.

Poster of any technique (painting, drawing, graphic design, typography, digital, Illustration, mixed media, and animation) are eligible. All artworks must have been created between the years 2018 to 2021 time frame.

Each participant is allowed to submit 3 posters across all categories.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to all designers, illustrators, and artists 18 years of age or older anywhere in the world.


Many awards will be assigned to the winners. The winners will receive Trophy & Certificate.

Entry fees:

Entry fee for professional entry is 30 USD and for student entry is 15 USD.

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