Radical Urban Intervention

Radical Urban Intervention now is over!
Radical Urban Intervention: ArcDeck.net a premier online platform for generating interesting, contextual and thought-provoking ideas by way of crowd-sourcing design concepts, challenges and projects, recently has launched an international design competition called ’Radical Urban Intervention’ inviting all designers, planners, urban designers, architects, students from anywhere in the world to participate.
➜ Short description
ArcDeck.net, a premier online platform for generating interesting, contextual and thought-provoking ideas by way of crowd-sourcing design concepts, challenges and projects, recently has launched an international design competition called ’Radical Urban Intervention’ inviting all designers, planners, urban designers, architects, students from anywhere in the world to participate.
Do you go through the downtown (or city center) in your city and think something’s missing? Or that something could be improved? If you had the opportunity to bring in a catalyst that can change the character of the place - what would it be? If you could add a building or retrofit some existing ones or perhaps add a park system that could exponentially improve the quality of the downtown - wouldn’t that be great?
ArcDeck.net is seeking proposals for Radical Urban Intervention for urban core or downtown areas from planners, urban designers, architects, creatives, design students and anyone related to the real estate industry. Select a city anywhere in the world and suggest a design intervention that could radically improve its sense of place and quality of life for residents + visitors. The intervention can be any one of the following proposals:
1. A new building typology that is missing in an existing city downtown area / town center (infill site);
2. Tear-down and rebuild of existing building(s) to create new one in its place or an agglomeration - but one which retains and houses the original uses in a creative way;
3. Suggest a mass transit intervention by way of improving / appending access to downtown and / or connect existing landmarks;
4. Propose park(s) / open space(s) / linear park network(s) on infill site(s) without tearing down any existing buildings or structures.
Organizer is looking for conceptual ideas only and not detailed architectural or technical drawings. The intent is to generate design concepts that can potentially upgrade the character of downtown / city center and infuse new life in the urban core. The proposals should include innovative, original, previously unpublished ideas or concepts supported with diagrams, sketches, renderings, etc. The goal of the competition is to push the envelope and generate a dialogue about design-thinking at a city scale.
Submission requirement:
➜ 1 x A1 size, PDF format sheet (landscape orientation)
➜ 500 word write-up in .docx format (no images in word document).
Only one entry is allowed per registration.
Organizer will select Top 3 entries from 2 categories: professional and student.
Results will be announced on December 15, 2020.
There is no entry fee to participate!
➜ Who may enter?
The competition is open to all designers, planners, urban designers, architects, students and / or anyone related to the real estate industry from anywhere in the world above 18 years of age.
➜ Prize:
Top 3 entries from both categories will receive 50% discount vouchers towards registration fees for our next paid competition.
Top 3 entries from both categories and Top 10 entries will be featured on the organizer website and social media handles (Twitter / Facebook / Instagram) with credits to the author(s).
Selected others may be a part of an online publication / E-book to be published at a later date.
All participants will recive Participation certificate (via email).
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