Ro Plastic Prize 2022

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Ro Plastic Prize 2022

Ro Plastic Prize 2022 now is over!

Ro Plastic Prize 2022: Rossana Orlandi recently has launched the 4rd edition of its Ro Plastic Prize 2022, one of the initiatives by GUILTLESSPLASTIC, to challenge and inspire the design community all over the world who are passionate about creating extraordinary impact proposing solving projects in the field of re-Waste.

Short description

The Ro Plastic Prize is the international award of RoGUILTLESSPLASTIC that aims to involve an increasingly broad public challenging worldwide communities of designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, startuppers, change makers, creators, scientists, researchers, developers and communication experts who are passionate about creating extraordinary impact proposing solving projects in the field of re-Waste.

For the 2022 edition, the Ro Plastic Prize identifies three new categories representing common high priority nodus on Plastic Waste and all-kind of Waste, asking important involvement on technological and innovative solutions.

An international jury of professionals and experts will select the winners among the finalists, one for each category.

Applicants are invited to propose solutions to one or more of the categories and they can apply with projects already existing and/or submitted to other competitions.

Submission requirements:

➜ In the Application phase, the Projects must be submitted as sketches, photos, drawings, renderings, videos or in a suitable way to convey the scope of the Project.
Projects in the Urban and Public Furniture Design selected as Finalists must be then submitted as Prototypes. Each Prototype must be made out of recycled and recyclable plastic. Prototypes may have minor elements made of non-recyclable plastic and/or other materials, provided that such non-recyclable parts can be easily removed in order to make the Prototype wholly recyclable.

➜ Please submit videos and/or images to explain the process from the idea to the final result. The limit for each photo is 3MB and the videos should be submitted through a link to a YouTube or Vimeo channel.

Evaluation Criteria:

Each submission will be evaluated with the following four parameters: innovation, functionality, environmental impact, durability.

Who may enter?

The Prize is open to creatives from all countries, backgrounds, curricula and ages. For minors, a written consent from a legal guardian could be sought.


The winners of each category will receive a prize of 10.000€.

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