Smithsonian Magazine 19th Annual Photo Contest

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Smithsonian Magazine 19th Annual Photo Contest

Smithsonian Magazine 19th Annual Photo Contest now is over!

Smithsonian Magazine 19th Annual Photo Contest: Smithsonian Magazine is very pleasant to announce 19th edition of its international annual Photo Contest inviting all photographers all over the world who are 18 years old or older to participate.

Short description

Smithsonian Magazine is calling for entries to its 19th Annual Photo Contest, open to all photographers who are 18 years old or older.

Award-winning photographs can range from a captivating portrait of a family member to a moon-drenched landscape to movement captured at just the right time. Smithsonian is looking for the best of the best.

To be eligible for any category, a photograph must have been shot by the entrant since January 1, 2019.

You may submit up to 15 photographs per category for a contest total of 90 submissions.

Who may enter?

This competition is open to all photographers who are 18 years old or older.


Eight prizes will be awarded in spring 2022, including a Grand Prize of $2,500, 6 category prizes of $500 each and a Reader’s Choice award of $500.

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