TDC67 - Type Directors Club 2020

TDC67 - Type Directors Club 2020 now is over!
TDC67 - Type Directors Club 2020: Organized by The One Club for Creativity, The Type Directors Club's TDC67, the biggest and most respected awards in the world of type design and typography are now open for entries accepting entries from all over te word.
➜ Short description
TDC67 - Type Directors Club 2020, annual international competition, recognizes typographic excellence and innovation, while maintaining its ongoing commitment to the art and craft of typography and design.
➜ Submission requirements:
➜ Any new typeface designs produced or published between January 1 and December 31, 2020 are eligible.
➜ Entries are to be submitted as PDFs or digital images. Please ensure high enough resolution to judge your work appropriately. Each entry may include up to a maximum of 12 proof pages. Proofs may include, but are not limited to, headlines, short or long passages of text, sample pages or double-page spreads of book or magazine make-up, or multi-column text.
➜ Evaluation Criteria:
➜ an original and inspiring idea
➜ well-executed
➜ relevant to its context
The winners will be notified the week of February 22, 2021 by email.
➜ Who may enter?
Typeface designs may be submitted by anyone involved in their design, production, or marketing.
➜ Prize:
Entries selected by the jury will receive Certificates of Typographic Excellence. They will be exhibited in the 67th TDC Exhibition and appear in The World’s Best Typography, Typography 42. The opening of TDC67 will be held in New York City and will be on display during the summer of 2021.
➜ Entry fees:
Entry fees vary by category and starts from $50 for the Single Typeface category.
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