ZEPTER International Design Award - ARTZEPT 2022
ZEPTER International Design Award - ARTZEPT 2022 now is over!
ZEPTER International Design Award - ARTZEPT 2022: Zepter is pleased to announce 18th design competition ZEPTER International Design Award - ARTZEPT 2022 entitled LIGHT & OPTIMISM, for the conceptual solution and making of a sculptural shape with light effects intended for the exterior – a garden, which creates a modern and sculptural illuminated design.
Short description
Zepter International, a Swiss multinational company is pleased to announce 18th design competition ZEPTER International Design Award - ARTZEPT 2022 entitled LIGHT & OPTIMISM, for the conceptua solution and making of a sculptural shape with light effects intended for the exterior – a garden, which creates a modern and sculptural illuminated design. A selection of the sculptural forms will be on display outside the new, soon-to-be opened Zepter Art House.
The contestants are expected to propose a visual solution for illuminated sculptures, for a maximum height of 3,5 m, technically feasible in a wide range of modern, durable and weather-proof materials.
It is required that the entries are done as 3D creations presented in one of the customary ways such as a drawing, photography, photomontage, a digital simulation or similar, accompanied by a suitable text description.
The entry must be an original, unique creation whose lines, surfaces, volumes, proportions and illumination will reflect the designer’s vision.
An Expert Jury appointed by Zepter International will select the most successful works on this topic.
Who may enter?
The competition is open to artists from around the world.
➜ 1st place: €10,000
➜ 2nd place shall be awarded €4,000 worth of Zepter products
➜ 3rd place shall be awarded €3,000 worth of Zepter products
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