6th Annual “Primary Colors” Online Art Competition

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6th Annual “Primary Colors” Online Art Competition

6th Annual “Primary Colors” Online Art Competition now is over!

6th Annual “Primary Colors” Online Art Competition: Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery's 6th Annual “Primary Colors” Online Art Competition, inviting 2D and 3D artists from around the world to submit their best abstract and/or representational art.

Short description

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces its 6th Annual “Primary Colors” Online Art Competition.

2D and 3D artists from around the world are called upon to make online submissions for possible inclusion into the Gallery’s July 2024 online group exhibition.

The gallery invites artists (including photography & digital art), regardless of where they reside, to apply to this competition by submitting their best abstract and/or representational art.

The “Primary Colors” theme is one in which one of the primary colors (Red, Blue &/or Yellow) stands out as a primary artistic element in the artwork.

Any subject matter and any media are acceptable in this open theme competition, as long as the primary colors in the artwork are at least one or more of the three primary colors – Red, Blue &/or Yellow.

Who may enter?

2D and 3D artists from around the world are invited to participate in this competition.


The 1 overall top winning artist will be the Best in Show winner of the exhibition. The Best in Show winner will receive a cash prize of $100. Winners will also receive extensive worldwide publicity and promotion.

Entry fees:

Lower entry fees are offered from the opening of the competition until the May 1, 2024. The discounted entry fees are as follows: $16 for 1 to 2 entries and $24 for 3 to 5 entries. After that time, the entry fees revert to the gallery’s normal entry fee amount or $18 for 1 to 2 entries and $26 for 3 to 5 entries until the deadline of the art competition. Students are able to receive additional lower entry fees for this competition - $12 for 1 to 2 entries and $22 for 3 to 5 entries.

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