13th International PLAKTIVAT competition in designing a city poster: Solidarity

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13th International PLAKTIVAT competition in designing a city poster: Solidarity

13th International PLAKTIVAT competition in designing a city poster: Solidarity now is over!

13th International PLAKTIVAT competition in designing a city poster: Solidarity: TAM-TAM Institut is announcing the 13th international PLAKTIVAT competition in designing a city poster, this time on the topic of “SOLIDARITY” and invites all creators, individuals as well as agencies and companies, who want to help create our common living environment to participate.

Short description

The TAM-TAM Institute is announcing a new competition in city poster design. The 13th Plaktivat competition is centred on the topic of SOLIDARITY. This invitation is extended to independent designers, students, secondary school students of graphic arts, as well as advertising agencies.

Solidarity in a divided world

Solidarity is unity based on social consensus among people sharing similar interests, obligations, values, goals, and fates. It is the connective tissue binding people of a particular social group. The spirit of solidarity is intrinsic to the human race and enables its survival and development. It represents mutual assistance, and ensures the security of groups, communities, as well as, to varying degrees, also individuals.

Solidarity is a word we hear often, but only too rarely see enacted in practice. How do we view it today?

At a time of growing conflicts between people of opposing views and lifestyles, which are further bolstered by populisms, radicalisms, the media, and all manner of algorithms, our previous definition of solidarity is being tested and with it, the democratic and civilizational values upon which Europe and most of the western world are founded. If we add to this the extremely individualised nature of our society, which all too often places the individual and their personal freedom ahead of the interests of the community, the social consensus upon which solidarity is based is in peril.

The pandemic took this issue to its extreme. What is therefore that lowest common denominator, which remains acceptable to us as a society and is it strong enough to ensure that solidarity as we knew it perseveres in the future? We believe that everyone involved, even if they hail from opposing (enemy) camps, should strive for this. Among them, creative industries, culture, and art play a particularly important role.

What they advertise?

Their action aims to encourage and strengthen solidarity in society, open the discussion about the fundamental values of solidarity, and reflect on the significance of solidarity in developing a better society in our future.

The challenge is to activate individuals to proactively deliberate on the social concept of solidarity, which became even more jeopardised due to the pandemic.

The jury will select two or more winning creative solutions.

Submission requirements:

Your creative solution must fit the format of TAM-TAM city posters. Take note that the posters are located outside in the streets and design your poster accordingly, so that it will be legible and communicate its message well in the multitude of visual stimuli of the street environment. Consider that city posters are usually initially noticed from a distance of a few metres (we only get up-close later) – think about how to grab attention and how much text a billboard can take etc. In line with articles 22 and 23 of the Public Use of the Slovene Language Act, any text in a public environment must be in Slovene or alternatively the Slovene version must not be less prominent than the text in a foreign language. (The winning applicant commits to providing a translation of their work into Slovene or supplying an editable file for the demands of said translation into Slovene.)

The poster must also be in line with PLAKTIVAT’s visual identity, and include PLAKTIVAT’s pre-prepared logos.

Who may enter?

The competition is open to all creators, individuals as well as agencies and companies, who want to help create our common living environment.


➜ The winning poster will be printed and published on 500 TAM-TAM city posters across Slovenia,
➜ It will be automatically entered in the competitions of theSlovenian Advertising Festival SOF and the Brumen biennial of Slovenian Design,
➜ The winner receives Plaktivat’s MEGAFON and a winning plaque,
➜ All participants receive a e-plaque commemorating their participation, awarded by the organizer of Plaktivat, TAM-TAM INSTITUTE.

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